
North Cascades Community Orchestra Sponsors

The North Cascades Community Orchestra would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their recent financial support. Please contact us if you or your business are interested in becoming an NCCO Sponsor.

Each concert season we have items that seek support.  These may include:  orchestral music purchased for a specific concert, musician and guest stipends, venue rental, advertisement including radio announcements, and printing costs.  Sponsors offering to support specific items will be acknowledged for those items in our ads and programs.  Thank you to all our guests for the financial gifts which enable us to bring you our best musicianship year after year.

Concert Season Sponsors

Quist Violins & Fine Stringed Instruments


discovery music academy

Discovery Music Academy


Doug Nesbit, Realtor

Doug Nesbit, Realtor


Larry Humes realtor

Larry Humes, Real Estate Consultant


Cascadia Chamber players

Cascadia Chamber Players

Jane Perkins, violin, viola

Jane Perkins, Violinist/Violist


Goodwinds, Mary MendenhallWoodwinds instruction



Windworks, instruments & repair


allegro strings dorothy smith luthier

Allegro Strings • Dorothy Smith, Luthier



dorothy hopkins piano tech

Dorothy Hopkins, Certified Piano Technician

Special thanks to Friends of the Orchestra

Kayla Bonn-Andres
Michael Chionis
Robert Marshall
Rose Marie Norton-Nader
Jack and Glenda Thompson